
T-WOnderful Months

That's right! This kid is now a big ol' 2 month old!
Yes, I'll do the stats and pics in a minute but first, 2 months... yikes! While I am so grateful to have a job that I love and co-workers that are so great I really do miss them, I don't want to go back. I always kind of figured I might like to stay home at some point but the desire hit hard and it's not going anywhere. I can't believe that I've been gone from work for 2 1/2 months... it seems to have just flown by. Please keep me in your prayers as I return to work in 2 weeks. Ok, now on to the good stuff!

-blue eyes are starting to show specks of brown
-starting at 5 weeks you started blessing us with that sweet smile
-you started sitting in your bumbo this month and you love it.. most of the time
-you are wide awake and pleasantly alert right after your morning feeding
-your uncle ross is like a human laxative for you... i think it's just that you love him and feel so relaxed around him ;)
-you have crazy old man hair... sparse on top and horseshoe in the back
-you now love LOVE LOVE bath time!
-you are determined to be a thumb sucker
-at 8 weeks you started sleeping in your crib at night. woohoo!
-you like to be upright all the time unless you're on the changing table 'talking'

Let's end on a highnote! God has answered some big prayers for our family lately. Thank you Jesus for all the little blessings and the big ones.


Kelli said...

He is so precious! Happy 2 months!

I will be praying for you Leslie!! Praying every second FLIES by that you have to be apart.

lynn said...

Cutest grandbaby ever!!!!