
Teens and Tacos

OMG... we've hit the teens! Only 19 days left.... and that is only IF this kid/momma can hold out that long!
I can't wait to snuggle that little goober and gently remind him in long story form of all the movin' and groovin' he did for 9 months! 
Our little guy is quickly getting ready to make his appearance and meet his 2 big families and be absolutely snuggled like crazy. 

Speaking of one of those big, crazy families, we had a nice, fancy, sit-down, family dinner last night and officially completed 3 nights of Mexican food in a row, from 3 different restaurants.
Last night's was my favorite... 
El Ultimo Taco.... I mean, if you're going to call yourself the ultimate something, it better dang right be true! And it totally is!

Is it a taco truck? Yes
Is it off of shady mcCreepy Longpoint? Yes
Does it maybe share a parking lot with a car wash? Yes
Does it have delicious horchata or "check-up" as Adelaide calls it? Yes
Is a parking-lot-taco-truck-eatery just the absolute PERFECT place for a large family to gather and dine along the ordering bar?  YES!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I just love that last picture. Perfect. I can't wait to meet that sweet boy!